How do I manage Video Optimizer settings on the myHughesnet (Mobile) app?

What is Video Optimizer? The Video Optimizer helps you get the most out of your service when streaming video content. It automatically adjusts streaming video up to HD quality. Where can I manage my Video Optimizer settings? You can manage the settings via the myHughesnet (Mobile) app or on Here’s how to manage Video …

Managing Video Optimizer on

What is Video Optimizer? The Video Optimizer helps you get the most out of your service when watching streaming video content. It automatically adjusts streaming video up to HD quality. Where can I manage my video settings? You can manage the settings via the Hughesnet® Mobile App and on Sign In or register …

Does Hughesnet Offer Wireless Capability?

The HT2000W offers built-in dual-band Wi-Fi connectivity. Customers using other Hughesnet® modems can also connect wireless devices using a router. Does HT2000W come with built-in Wi-Fi? The Hughesnet Wi-Fi Modem (HT2000W) offers built-in Wi-Fi so you can connect your wireless devices at home. The Hughesnet Wi-Fi Modem features the latest Wi-Fi standards and technology (dual-band …

Progressive and Adaptive Streaming

What is progressive video streaming? A progressive video stream is a single video file being streamed over the internet. The progressive video will automatically expand or contract to fit the screen you are playing it on, but regardless of the device, the video file size will always be the same. If there is a poor …

Unlimited Data – No Hard Data Limits questions

What does ‘No Hard Data Limits’ mean? Hughesnet® service plans come with an allotment of High-speed data, as determined by your purchased Service Plan, that can be used by a Subscriber each month. If you exceed your plan data, we won’t cut you off or charge you more. If I exceed the amount of data …

Purchase Data Tokens on the myHughesnet (Mobile) app

Purchase Data Tokens on the myHughesnet (Mobile) app From the home screen (Overview page) of the app, click on Buy Token in the Usage panel. Choose the denomination you wish to purchase. You will be asked to confirm your purchase. Alterinatively, you can click on the Usage tab on the bottom of the screen then …

Does Hughesnet Work with My Wireless Thermostat, Security Systems and Lighting?

Hughesnet® does support remote home devices that allow you to control your lights and thermostats (such as Nest and Philips Hue) from your smart phones. Security devices that allow you to watch video in the cloud are also supported. Devices that require a static or routable IP address will not work. Reference the device manual …

What is SmartTechnologies?

A feature, previously known as SmartBrowsing, that optimizes your Web experience. Hughesnet® automatically compresses and optimizes web content with built-in SmartTechnologies™, to make Web pages load faster while using less of your data. The feature, previously known as SmartBrowsing was available in limited areas.