Can I Buy More Data if I Run Out?

If you exceed your Service Plan Data, you will stay connected, but may experience reduced speeds until the next billing cycle. Data Tokens are a great way to restore your high-speed data. You can purchase Data Tokens from: Sign in or register on Once logged-in, click on ‘Usage’ and ‘Data Token Purchase’ in the second menu. Download …

What is the difference between Data Tokens and Bonus Zone?

Bonus Zone (formerly known as Bonus Bytes) Your service plan includes high-speed data available in the Bonus Zone, previously known as Bonus Bytes. It is the period of time between 2am-8am local time, when you have access to additional high-speed data, even if you have exceeded the amount of data in your Service Plan. This …

What are Data Tokens and how do I check my data token balance?

What are Data Tokens? Data Tokens are available in four different sizes to give you the additional data you need. Data Tokens do not expire and will remain available until they have been used. Need more data? Running low? Used it all up? Welcome to Data Tokens. If you exceed your monthly service plan data, …