If your method of payment was declined, read some frequently asked questions to resolve your outstanding balance. Why is my credit card being declined? Contact your financial institution for more details. It could be as simple as your card has expired. How can I update the credit card information you have on file for my …
Category Archives: NAD
Does Netflix work with Hughesnet?
Yes, the speed you receive with your Hughesnet® service plan is enough to stream movies and shows on Netflix. However, Netflix has announced that due to technical limitations, they will no longer be supporting their service on certain older devices. If you are streaming Netflix through any of the devices below, it may not work properly …
What do I need to know about The California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA)?
The California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) goes into effect on January 1, 2020. Key provisions of this legislation allow California residents to: To contact Hughes to exercise your specific rights with regard to your personal information please visit the Hughes subscriber privacy policy agreement where you’ll find the details on how to send us an email with …
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How Do I Cancel Or Modify My Service Plan?
Modify My Plan Changing your Hughesnet® service plan is easy; you can do this at any time by visiting myhughesnet.com. Before you change your plan, view your data usage history over several months to estimate how much data you need. Keep in mind that if you only need a little bit of extra high-speed data before …
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How can I Learn More about the Hughesnet Voice Service?
Read frequently asked questions to learn more about how Hughesnet® Voice service works, and which service plan is the right fit for you. I have Hughesnet internet service and Hughesnet Voice at my home but also have Hughesnet internet at my vacation home. Can I switch Voice between my two residences? No, we do not …
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How can I get Hughesnet Email on my Mobile Smart Device?
Get access to your inbox on-the-go with Hughesnet® webmail on your mobile device. There are two ways to view your Hughesnet email on your smart device: 1. Using your myhughesnet.com on the web: Using a web browser on your smart device, navigate to myhughesnet.com and click ‘My Email’ from the top menu* * Login required. …
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Can I Run a VPN over Hughesnet?
Using a virtual private network (VPN) impacts the way your modem receives data. Learn more about using a VPN with Hughesnet. A Virtual Private Network (VPN) is an added layer of protection. This layer of protection is only typically used when sensitive data is transmitted over the internet. To achieve this added layer of protection, …
How do I connect my Wi-Fi Booster to my HT2000W/HT2010W modem?
Click here to view the set-up instructions. Ver en Español
What should I do if I receive a copyright infringement notice?
Copyright infringement notices are sent to customers after they have been reported to have viewed, downloaded, or disseminated copyright protected material. This includes, but is not limited to, images, infographics, videos, and music. Hughesnet® takes claims of copyright infringement seriously and is obligated to comply with the law. If you have received a copyright infringement …
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What is the Hughesnet Return Policy?
You must return your Hughesnet® modem, power supply, and radio in good condition within 45 days of cancellation date or be charged a $300 Unreturned Equipment Fee ($100 for the modem and power supply and $200 for the radio transmitter). If you are a Hughesnet Fusion® customer, you must also return the multipath device, power supply, …