How can I get Hughesnet Email on my Mobile Smart Device?

Get access to your inbox on-the-go with Hughesnet® webmail on your mobile device.  There are two ways to view your Hughesnet email on your smart device:  1. Using your on the web:  Using a web browser on your smart device, navigate to and click ‘My Email’ from the top menu*  * Login required.   …

Can I Run a VPN over Hughesnet?

Using a virtual private network (VPN) impacts the way your modem receives data. Learn more about using a VPN with Hughesnet. A Virtual Private Network (VPN) is an added layer of protection. This layer of protection is only typically used when sensitive data is transmitted over the internet. To achieve this added layer of protection, …

What is the Hughesnet Return Policy?

You must return your Hughesnet® modem, power supply, and radio in good condition within 45 days of cancellation date or be charged a $300 Unreturned Equipment Fee ($100 for the modem and power supply and $200 for the radio transmitter).   If you are a Hughesnet Fusion® customer, you must also return the multipath device, power supply, …

Tips for Using Hughesnet

Everything you do online uses data. How much data you use depends on the activity you are doing online. Data is transferred two ways: from the satellite to your computer (download) and from your computer to the satellite (upload). Here are some helpful links to learn more about Hughesnet.  Popular Videos  Understanding Satellite Internet >  …

What should I do If I have issues with Google Chromebook?

If you are experiencing issues with your Google Chromebook connection, you may need to resolve it by removing and re-connecting to the Hughesnet® network. Follow the steps below to resolve the issue. 1. Forget the network: 2. Navigate back to the Wi-Fi settings under your “Network” section and select either the 2g or 5g networks. …

Why did I receive a return kit?

If you cancel your Hughesnet® service, you will receive a return kit to return any Hughesnet equipment you leased. Please note that the equipment must be returned in good condition within 45 days of cancellation to avoid being charged an Unreturned Equipment Fee. For more information on the charges, click here to view the Subscriber …