Can I convert my existing Hughesnet for Business plan to the Hughesnet Internet Continuity plan?

No, this option is not available at this time. You can always use ANY Hughesnet® satellite internet plan to back up your primary terrestrial broadband connection. If you are technically savvy, you can setup a router with two WAN connections and have it automatically choose your Hughesnet satellite connection during a primary failure. You can also do this manually by hand connecting your LAN cable from your primary modem to the Hughesnet satellite modem. 

Do Hughesnet Internet Continuity plans include data?

Yes. The service includes 2 GB of data every month.  Additional data (Data Tokens) may be purchased. 

What happens if my 2 GB of data run out and I don’t buy a Data Token? 

Your service will continue to operate but may result in slower speeds. 

How much backup data do I have available to me? 

2 GB of data per month is included in your plan. If you need more data, you can purchase Data Tokens in increments of: 3 GB, 5 GB, 10 GB and 25 GB. 

Will the system automatically notify me when I’m running low on data? 

No, not at this time. You can monitor your data usage using the free Hughesnet® Mobile App or by signing in to and navigating to “Usage”.